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Claude François Nicole I "Vedere din golful Ancona" gravura veche cca 1760-1767
850,00 lei
Claude François Nicole I "Vedere din golful Ancona" gravura veche cca 1760-1767.
Conditie conform foto, uzura generala, margini deteriorate, indoituri ale hartiei.
Dimensiuni 13,5x31 cm.
Pentru comparatie vezi colectia British Museum unde se afla un exemplar din aceasta serie:
Object Typeprint
Museum number1867,0309.596
DescriptionView of the bay of Ancona sweeping in from the left, seen from a height with a shepherd talking to two seated Roman soldiers in the left foreground and trees to right. early 1760s
Production date1760-1767 (circa) (circa)
- Inscription type: inscription
- Inscription content: Etched in lower left on a boulder with names of nearby towns: 'Fano Senigalia Casa Bruciata Ancona' and 'Nicole / [monogram] WR'.
Curator's commentsAppeared in "Racolta di alcune delle piu Belle Vedute d'Italia", published in Rome in 1767, which included plates dated 1760. See 1854,1211.144
LocationNot on display
Associated placesTopographic representation of: Ancona (city)
Europe: Italy: Marches, The: Ancona (province): Ancona (city)
Acquisition date1867
DepartmentPrints and Drawings
Registration number1867,0309.596
1 Obiect