Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
  • Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
  • Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
  • Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
  • Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
  • Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
  • Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765
Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765

Frans Hals Autoportret mezzotinta 1765

1.750,00 lei

Frans Hals "Autoportret" mezzotinta 1765.

Gravor: Captain William Baillie.

Conditie conform foto.

Dimensiuni 26x22 cm.

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Object Typeprint
Museum number2010,7081.2775
TitleObject: Object: Franciscus Halls Pictor
DescriptionPortrait of Frans Hals; half-length directed to left, hands on his hips, smiling towards the viewer, wearing doublet, lace-trimmed collar and broad-brimmed hat; after a self-portrait; state before mezzotint and title added. 1765
Colour stipple
Producer namePrint made by: Captain William BaillieAfter: Frans Hals
Production date1765
DimensionsHeight: Height: 287 millimetresWidth: Width: 238 millimetres
  • Inscription type: inscription
  • Inscription content: Lettered below the image 'WBaillie sculp.t / 1765 // Fr:Halls pinx.t'
Curator's commentsFor a later state see 1870,0813.576
LocationNot on display
Associated namesPortrait of: Frans Hals
Acquisition namePurchased from: Hon Christopher Lennox-Boyd
Funder nameWith contribution from: National Heritage Memorial FundWith contribution from: Art FundWith contribution from: British Museum FriendsWith contribution from: Friends of Prints and DrawingsWith contribution from: Mrs Charles WrightsmanWith contribution from: Michael Marks Charitable Trust
Acquisition date2010
Acquisition notesAcquired with the assistance of the National Heritage Memorial Fund, the Friends of the British Museum, the Art Fund, Mrs Charles Wrightsman, the Michael Marks Charitable Trust, and numerous individual donors.
DepartmentPrints and Drawings
Registration number2010,7081.2775
1 Obiect