Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase 1660
  • Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase 1660
  • Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase 1660
  • Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase 1660
  • Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase 1660
Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase 1660

Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc" gravura pe mătase 1660

4.000,00 lei

Dimensiuni 316 / 234 mm


Guillaume Chasteau "Iona - Habacuc"  gravura pe mătase, publicata de Noel Coypel, Paris, 1660.

Gravura dupa Rafael.

Conditie conform foto.

Dimensiuni 31,6 / 23,4 cm.

Pentru comparatie vezi colectia British Museum unde se afla un exemplar gravat pe hartie:

Object Typeprint
Museum number1874,0808.1897
TitleObject: Object: Iona - Habacuc
DescriptionJonah and Habakkuk, one seated, the other standing, both holding stone tablets; an angel stands between them; after Raphael. 1660
Producer namePrint made by: Guillaume ChasteauAfter: RaphaelIntermediary draughtsman: Guglielmo CortesePublished by: Noël Coypel
Production date1660
Production placePublished in: Paris (France)
Europe: France: Ile-de-France (region): Paris (France)
DimensionsHeight: Height: 429 millimetresWidth: Width: 260 millimetres
  • Inscription type: inscription
  • Inscription content: Lettered with production & publication detail: 'G. cortois delin. G. Castellus In. Coypel ex. Romae MDCLX'; and title followed by text in Latin.
Curator's commentsAfter the wall painting in the Chigi chapel, Santa Maria della Pace (Rome). Forms a pair with 1874,0808.1896.
In an earlier state, the composition was set within a semi-arch; traces of the arch are still visible on the right.
Also see G.B. Pezzini, S. Mazzari and S. Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, 'Raphael Invenit, stampe da Raffaello nelle collezioni…
LocationNot on display
Associated namesRepresentation of: JonahRepresentation of: Habakkuk
Previous ownerPrevious owner/ex-collection: Hugh Howard
Acquisition date1874
DepartmentPrints and Drawings
Registration number1874,0808.1897
1 Obiect