Adamo Scultori "Studiu dupa Michelangelo" gravura pe hartie manuala fizata pe un suport de carton subtire, cca 1547-1587.
Nud masculin așezat din panoul „Crearea Evei” din Capela Sixtina.
Conditie conform foto.
Dimensiuni 14,5x10,8 cm.
Pentru comparatie vezi colectia British Museum unde se afla un exemplar din acest tiraj:
Museum number1845,0405.15.6
TitleSeries: Series: Studies after Michelangelo figures from the Sistine Chapel
DescriptionPlate 6: male nude, seated on a pedestal, turned to the right, looking to the left, after Michelangelo
Production date1547-1587
DimensionsHeight: Height: 145 millimetresWidth: Width: 116 millimetres
- Inscription type: inscription
- Inscription content: Lettered 'AS' in lower left and numbered '6' in lower right.
Curator's commentsSee comment for 1845,0404.15.1.
First state of two.
LocationNot on display
Associated places
Associated with: Sistine Chapel
Europe: Italy: Lazio: Rome (province): Rome (city): Vatican City: Palazzo Apostolico: Sistine Chapel
Acquisition date1845
DepartmentPrints and Drawings
Registration number1845,0405.15.6