Adamo Scultori "Studiu dupa Michelangelo" gravura cca 1547-1587, placa numarul 5.
Nud masculin din panoul „Dumnezeu despartind apele” din Capela Sixtina.
Conditie conform foto.
Dimensiuni 14,5x10,8 cm.
Pentru comparatie vezi colectia British Museum unde se afla un exemplar din acest tiraj:
Museum number1845,0405.15.5
TitleSeries: Series: Studies after Michelangelo figures from the Sistine Chapel
DescriptionPlate 5: male nude, seated on a pedestal, turned to the left, holding a drapery above his head, after Michelangelo
Production date1547-1587
DimensionsHeight: Height: 145 millimetresWidth: Width: 116 millimetres
- Inscription type: inscription
- Inscription content: Lettered 'AS' in lower left and numbered '5' in lower right.
Curator's commentsSee comment for 1845,0404.15.1.
First state of two.
LocationNot on display
Associated places
Associated with: Sistine Chapel
Europe: Italy: Lazio: Rome (province): Rome (city): Vatican City: Palazzo Apostolico: Sistine Chapel
Acquisition date1845
DepartmentPrints and Drawings
Registration number1845,0405.15.5