Pieter Potter "Sfantul Ilie hranit de corbi" gravura veche, publicata la Amsterdam cca 1652.
Gravura de Pieter Nolpe.
Publicata de Claes Jansz Visscher si de Nicolaes Visscher I.
Dimensiuni 39x48 cm.
Conditie conform foto, prezinta cateva gauri de cari.
Pentru comparatie vezi colectia British Museum unde se afla un exemplar din aceasta serie:
Museum number1939,0130.1.48
TitleSeries: Series: Royal-Size BibleSeries: Series: Historiae Sacrae Veteris et Novi TestamentiSeries: Series: Biblische figuren, Darinnen die fürnembste historien, in heiliger Schrifft begriffen, geschichtmässig entworffenSeries: Series: Figures de la Bible, demonstrans les principales histoires de la Saincte EscritureSeries: Series: Bybelsche figuren, vertonende de voornaemste historien der Heylige SchriftureSeries: Series: Figures of the Bible, in wich almost every history of the Holy Scriptures is discribed
DescriptionElijah fed by ravens; seated at the foot of a tree in a wooded landscape at right, with one raven flying to him as he reaches for the bread in its beak, another following behind; first state with address of Visscher; after Pieter Potter; from a series of 130 engravings (plus title-page) forming a Picture Bible
Production date1652 (c.)(c.)
Production place
Published in: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Europe: Netherlands: Holland: Noord-Holland: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
DimensionsHeight: Height: 396 millimetresWidth: Width: 497 millimetres
- Inscription type: inscription
- Inscription content: Lettered with production details, in lower right of the image: "CIViβcher Excudit" and in lower left and right corner of the margin: "Pieter Potter pinxit" and "P. Nolpe fec.". Lettered in the lower margin with two columns containing two lines of Latin and Dutch verse: "Elias.../...van de Ravens gespijst".
Curator's commentsFor comment on the volume see 1939,0130.1.1. For a copy in reverse see 2010,7081.244.
Bibliographic references